We have had gorgeous weather here for over a week but unfortunately Sunday it rained all day. The Heritage Festival was an outdoor event. It was located in one of my favorite local towns. I thought that it would be wonderful to be there and participate in such a fun event. But it was an outdoor festival and rain or shine. Well, the rain came and of the 28 vendors who were supposed to line the busy main street of this town, only 4 came. I was there bright and early, the first one, I set up with high hopes that it would clear out and maybe turn into a good day but the rain carried on all day. My greatest disappointment came when I realized that there was space in the building where the fundraising for the Heritage Society was taking place. No one checked on the vendors throughout the whole day. The only sign to draw attention was right outside the building and we were located about 1/4 of a mile away on the street. Those in charge didn't even realize until late in the morning that only 4 vendors were there. We were not even offered a cup of coffee throughout this miserable day. It would have been wonderful if they had invited us into the building, since there was so few of us and it could easily accommodate us. I felt that in the end they were only concerned with receiving the amount that we paid for our space but not with the comfort or success of the vendors. Needless to say, no one stopped at the booths and I did not have any sales.
I did take the time to visit Brown and Hopkins Country Store. It is such a fun place to visit and I always stop in when I am in the area. I was also able to enjoy some of the many antique shops that line the streets of the town. At least that made the day a bit more fun and brought me in out of the rain for a bit.
Here are some of the extra things I made for the show.
Fun Fall Signs

Boo banner~sorry it's so dark.

Fall banner

Market bag

Market tote

I have about 6 different market bags completed and all those scarves, now I need to figure out what to do with it all. I will be keeping the boo banner and one of the fall banners because I love them. But I do have an extra Fall Banner that I would like to GIVEAWAY!!
If you would like a chance to win the banner leave me a comment.
If you would like me to put your name into the giveaway another time post about the giveaway on your blog with a link back to this post.
The giveaway ends on Sunday, October 4th.
If you are interested in purchasing one of the scarves or market bags I've posted you can email me. There is a link to my email in my profile. Thank you!!
Oh man...that is just awful. I think that you should write and let someone know just how poorly you were treated. They should refund your fee. I've done craft/art shows before and a lot of time and energy goes into being ready for something like that. I'm so sorry it turned out to be such a disappointment.
I'd have given you a cup of coffee --- well tea probably! But hopefully next year they'll do better.
Please enter me for your draw. I love the FALL sign!
Ruth- I LOVE what you have made! You have been keeping your talents a secret! Please count me in!
How disappointing about the craft show, though... Perhaps you should open an etsy shop instead.;) Then you could drink coffee while you craft at home!:) Lori
Wow- I am sorry you did all that work! I would have been mad!
I hope I win! I love your banners!
Ruth I am so sorry that it was such a disappointment for you! I would contact them and let them know how poorly it was handles! I agree that they should refund your fee! I love the totes! Great job!
I really like the fall banner....I was going to try my hand at one, but I wanted to enter your giveaway first
Sorry about the turn out at the craft show. I agree you should open an Etsy shop. Very nice items you had for sale. The block signs are cute.
Oh Ruth...all of your creations are wonderful (and why don't you have an online shoppe??) Thanks for the chance at winning your fun sign. I hope you shows go GREAT! I need some tips in that area, have been thinking about doing craft shows and had several invites. But the booths have been like $300 buckaroos, whew wheee! I'm afraid I'd lose money :(
Jamie :)
Hi Ruth! What a bummer with the craft show! I keep wanting to do one, but don't know where to even start! I could definitely use tips too.
What a great banner! I see people making these and I think, how do they do that? Mine would be all crooked and cut wrong. ;)
What?? You don't have an online store? You definitely should be selling on Etsy! Those are some great bags and I see you make lined ones too. VERY nice. I see some selling there that aren't anywhere near as nice was yours.
Hope you have a blessed day!!
Sheri :)
Sorry to hear!
Sometimes I wonder why people act that way!
sandy toe
Your totes and scarves are awesome! Put them up for sale on your blog. :)
I would LOVE a chance to win your give away! Awesome!
I love your market bag, I have a pattern for a similar one which I'm going to make when I get round to it, did you use cotton or yarn for your bag? xxx
Love the Fall banner! and would love a chance to win.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. better luck next time
Don't give up on them.
Oh wow were you busy ... bummer you the even was such a bust.
Throw my name in the hat! ;-)
Love the fall banner-consider me, please!
Sounds like my adventures in craft show paradise!!!! :)
I hate the way it makes you feel when you've "done your part- and keep trying" and NOTHING works out!!!
Forget about it!!!! Keep being creative and your things will find a place that they belong!!!!
Oh yeah- put my name in the hat too!!!!
Cute stuff!!!!!
Cute banners, Ruth....please put my name in the hat....that banner could top off my fall decorating quite nicely!!
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