I've been working with that incredibly wonderful yarn and have finished the neck warmer. I love it. It is so warm and soft. The days here have been so cold so I finished it in perfect time.
Excuse the bags under my eyes. I have had a very difficult time sleeping and it's beginning to show. Time for some tea bags or cucumbers. Here is how the completed neck warmer looks on me. Doesn't it look so incredibly soft and warm?

Here is the completed neck warmer. I noticed once it was completed that some of the stitches are not right but I'm not sure where my mistake is. I do know that this is such a forgiving project because once you are wearing it no one can tell.

This is the scarf I just finished for Craft Hope. It was still in the works here. I have started another one, too. I hope to have them both in the mail on Friday.

I love that cowl - it just looks so warm and soft. I have one of those on my list to make too ...
That red is so pretty - great job!
love your cowl...it does look so soft and cozy! and your smile is just beautiful...have a great rest of the week!
It looks so cozy!!!
Looks great on you Ruth ugg I hate cold weather thankfully I now live where it is warmer winters.
Spring isn't far off and the dogs will be able to come before you know it. Hope that all works out for you. Hugs we love you even with the bags under your eyes lol Hope you get some sleep soon.
Wow...you are very talented...so pretty!
sandy toe
Oh, Ruth, that looks so cozy and warm! I could use one of those! Wonder if I can figure out how to make one on one of our knitting looms. Hmmm . . .
The dogs sound great. I just love huskies (but I think I already told you that).
I've been thinking about you.
How wonderfully cozy! Looks perfect for a blustery winter day-I could use one (or two) of those! :)
your comments on both my blogs made me lol! thanks for that, and for leaving comments! congrats on finishing; we have a local shop and she signs her newsletter: "knitting to finish, xxx". love the banner photo, too!
Your cowl is most beautiful Ruth! I have become quite the yarn-a-holic myself ;)
I was just catching up with your blog...and I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I'll keep you all in my prayers and let me know if you need to chat.
Jamie :)
Love both the scarf and the cowl. It seems like everyone is making cowls these days -- I'm so far behind (it may be Spring before I start one!)
What a great project for your "yummy yarn"! The color and texture are amazing!
That looks like something I need here too with all this freezing weather. Wonderful. And, I never noticed your bags under your eyes. Sleep will come...been there myself. You are in my thoughts a lot.
Cute neck gaiter!!
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