
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snowmen and an Upcycled Frame

This week we had my nephews over for some fun time. 
The weather here has been very unseasonal.  Last year by this time we had over two feet of snow.  This year the temps have been staying near the 40 mark and we've had tons of rain.  I don't mind the higher temps but it is not good for my son's snowboarding classes.  They can hardly maintain snow.
But we'll make snowmen anyway.
We made these cute treats while my nephews were here.  They had fun.  I let them add whatever they wanted to their snowmen.
Pretty cute idea.  I saw it on Pinterest.  I haven't even started my own account yet but I can't help looking through all the fabulous ideas.
I upcycled a frame for my daughter.  We found this for $2 at a thrift store and I knew it would make a great jewelry holder.  She has a ton of jewelry.  I used some puff paint and added a design to the open space.
Then I dry brushed it with some black paint.
With E6000 glue I glued some fabric to plastic canvas.  
This fabric was a little remnant and although I wanted to center it, there wasn't enough of it.
Completed and stocked with jewelry.  I added some hooks on each side so she could hang her necklaces.

She loves it because now they are on display.

Linking to:
It's Overflowing



  1. Love it!! Thanks so much for linking up! Just a reminder also to register for my $50 Stencil Giveaway!

    XO, Aimee

  2. Hi! Visiting from tt&j. Love your snowman and your frame. I need to make one to hold my earrings.. they are out of control. Thanks for sharing!

    Ps.. I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party if you get a chance :)

  3. Such a clever way to display jewelry for your daughter!


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