
Saturday, September 5, 2009

~How Does Your Garden Grow~

This has been a very busy week.  We have started back to school with our full time schedule.  Getting back into the routine after a long break takes some time.  I don't think we have it all figured out yet but we're working on it.  My dd is a junior this year and there is alot of work on her plate.  My ds is in 7th grade.  I can hardly believe how big they are.  It seems like just yesterday they were so little and so dependent on me.  

The garden has been trying to survive this crazy summer.  We went from a very cool, cloudy and rainy June and half of July to a almost three solid weeks in August of 90 degree temperatures with high humidity.  I don't think the plants knew what was happening.  Overall, it has survived pretty well.  I have learned quite a bit to help me grow a better and bigger garden next year.  I started everything in the garden with heirloom seeds from Seed Savers Exchange.
This is how the garden looks now.  

This is my gourd plant.  It has gotten a late start because of the crazy weather but I hope it will do well.

My first little gourd.  I have three or four of these growing.

This is a rose of sharon our dear neighbor gave us.  She didn't think it would bloom until next year but it is blooming beautifully.  I am so thrilled.  Rose of Sharon is one of my favorites.  She has a gorgeous one in her own garden.  What a sweet, sweet neighbor she is.

Gorgeous bloom!
I did lose my squash plants to squash vine borers.  At first I didn't have any idea what was wrong.  I did some research on the internet and once I came across this article I knew exactly what had happened.  Next year, I will know ahead of time and will take measures to prevent it from happening.  The garden is an ongoing learning process and I am enjoying it so much.


  1. that is fabulous that you have your own garden, fresh veggies are the best thing in the world!
    I don't have a green thumb and with a small baby I didn't feel like this was the right time to try to have a garden, but I sure love fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  2. Isn't it always kind of nice to get back into the school year routine? I am looking forward to it. Glad you got something from the garden. I got no tomatoes really, but did well on cukes and squash and beans. Started some spinach and shallots a few weeks ago, so will see!! Enjoy September!!

  3. what a kind neighbor you have. We're working on clearing some of our yard in hopes for some raised beds next spring. Right now we have so much shade...hoping for a patch of sunshine. Your garden looks like it's doing beautifully. Enjoy your harvest

  4. Gardening is definitly a learning experience! We're apparently slow learners here, but we keep trying!

  5. Your is wonderful, I have at least a dozen tomatoes ripening on the counter. We baked a green tomato last night, it was tasty. Rose of Sharons are plentiful done here.


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