
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~On the Bookshelf~

Let me begin this post by saying that I love books.  I have books everywhere in my home and can never find enough places to put them.  Since we homeschool there is a need to have great books on hand.  As a someone who loves creating I need books for inspiration.  Of course, my husband would need another job if he were to be able to support my book habit, and that is why I love our library.  We have a great system and I can request books from any library in our state and they will bring them to my local library for me to pick up.  It is just amazing for me, a lover of books.
Here is a sample of what I have been dreaming through lately.  I picked them up yesterday.

I love just about everything in this book.  I had better get busy.

Great projects in this book.  I love their simplicity.  The pictures are absolutely wonderful.  I can look at them over and over again.

This is my kind of style.  Flea markets and yard sales are filled with so many treasures.  Great photos to dream by.

I love the title of this book.  Another wonderful book to sit and dream with.  Great photos to inspire you.

I have been crocheting for a very long time but I am self taught.  I have a lot to learn and this book has all the answers.  I love it.  Such great pictures and diagrams to help you.  I think this will be on my need to buy list.

I loved this amazing book.  I read it all and knew that it would fit in with our theme for this year.  I have been wanting to have nature as our theme for a while now.  I am looking forward to trying some of the wonderful suggestions in this book.  My kids are older but I know that there is definitely nature deficit disorder there.  I want to get them outside and enjoying everything nature has.  I look forward to incorporating this into our days more and more this year.  I have also requested Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.  I am so excited for this book to come in.

I purchased these Note Sketch pads at our homeschool convention and we will use them as our nature notebooks.  I am determined to remain focused on our theme for the year and incorporate projects that include nature and follow our lessons.  This my be tricky with one student in high school and one in middle school but we will try.  I will keep you all updated on this project.
The only bad part about our great library is that in the end the books must be returned.  I keep a list of those books I truly loved to either purchase them eventually or borrow them once again.  

Do you have a love for books?  What's on your bookshelf now?


  1. Those look like great books! I have a love affair with books too ... I have more than I can read right now but I keep checking them out or thrifting for them! It's an addiction for sure ;-) At least it's a healthy one - ha!

  2. I too love books, I have a whole room solely given over to holding my books, a mini library! I love your collection of books, happy reading xx

  3. Great books! Im sorry you dont have a Wal Mart fabric dept. Maybe I can off er some on my blog for those of you that cant get any. Susie

  4. Wonderful, I love trying to get crochet books from the library.

  5. That flea market style looks good!
    sandy toe

  6. I think all the books look like great fun to look threw/read. I too love books and am always inspired by them.
    Have fun!

  7. As another book lover (and an English teacher) I think you have a great selection there!! I am sure you will come up with some beautiful ideas after using them.

  8. I love books...right now I'm reading Homeschooling with a Meek and Gentle Spirit (again) and I'm also browsing Last Minute Quilted Gifts. They are both really good. I have a weakness when it comes to books. When we go on vacation I'm always packing books to take along!

  9. Love your collection, and yes, I collect quite a few. I have an enourmous cook book collection, I also collect old childrens books, I just love the art work in them, and since my work in embroidery, I have shelves full of embroidery books. Have a great week, blessings,Kathleen

  10. I love the linen wool cotton book- though I have yet to sew from it...

  11. I can request books at my library too and it is so nice! Those books look really great- happy reading!

  12. I need some books, I don't have any crochet ones!!


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