
Thursday, June 3, 2010

How the Years Pass

Friday my dear husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  The time has passed so quickly.  We look back at the years together and are amazed at how quickly time has passed.   Like the blink of an eye.  We pass from day to day, trying to keep up with family, work, etc.  and before we know it here we are so many years later. The most important part is we are still here together.  It hasn't always been easy.  We've had our share of struggles, things that distract and try to pull us down but we've have stayed true through it all.

Beautiful roses from dh
They are so very wonderful.  Every time I look at time they make me smile.
We were quite young when we married.  Only 20~We met in school and it wasn't long before we decided to get married.  We started our family a year later.  There was so much we didn't know.  So much we had to learn.  Through it all we worked at it and gave it our all.  My dear husband is a wonderful man.  He gives all of himself to our family.  I am so blessed to have him.

Thank you all for your sweet anniversary wishes.


  1. You guys are spring chickens! Congratulations on the past 18 years together. I hope you have a lovely weekend :)

  2. Congrats, Ruth! Brian and I celebrated 18 years earlier this year.

  3. Wishing you 18 more (and more and more) wonderful years together. I don't know if I would have liked my hubbie at 20 ... although I would have been 15 so that would have been a little weird ;-)

  4. Happy Anniversary!! What a blessing to have so many years of marriage (and hopes for years to come!) in this world of easy divorces when it seems like "everybody's doing it", sigh... Congrats to you guys! What a precious testimony it is!

  5. Very sweet sentiments. We just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. It still seems like yesterday.

  6. Really wonderful, congratulations on 18 years, Kevin and I will be together a total of 13 years this year.

  7. Congratulations! The flowers are beautiful! No wonder you smile each time you see them. What a great reminder of a special relationship!!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! It's always great to know that people keep working at their marriages instead of bailing out because it gets hard sometimes. Congrats!! XXOO

  9. belated happy anniversary! we just celebrated our 19th in july... amazing how time flies, isn't it? congrats!


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