
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Turn The Page Tuesday

Adrienne at hosts Turn the Page Tuesday. I love going over her recent reads and choosing which I would like to add to my future to read list. This month I really had my heart set on reading a book Adrienne reviewed here. The book that caught my attention in that post was Letters of a Portuguese Nun. It has been on hold on my library card for a couple of weeks now but I still do not have it. It was very disappointing but I hope to read it soon. I love history and I am Portuguese. Two of the reasons why I look forward to reading it.
This month has been a busy one and I have had a lot of reading and preparing to do for homeschool. This has left me with somewhat less time than I like for some pleasure reading. This past month I have been reading Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. I admit that in the beginning I didn't know if I would be able to make it through the book. It seemed to be missing Sarah's personality. It was a bit dry and almost forced. Once I got past the first 100 pages or so I did begin to enjoy it more. At this part the book was more of what I expected for it. She is a truly strong and passionate person. She was thrust into the presidential campaign to breath new life into it but then was stifled every time she tried. She, along with her family and friends, were ruthlessly criticized by the media. Never given a chance to truly defend themselves because of an agenda that was to be fulfilled.

Reading the book solidified what I already knew: There are big problems in our political system. The attacks made against a person are only to detract from what a potentially excellent candidate he/she may be if only given the chance.

I enjoyed learning more about Sarah and her family and hearing her side of the story without a media spin on it.


  1. Sounds interesting ... I hope you get to read the other book soon!

  2. I am reading a book called Clay's Quilt right now. It's a good book that my sister-in-law gave me a while ago. I have a stack of books to go through. Glad you like Going Rogue!

  3. My cousin just read this book and said that it was very interesting as well.

  4. People I know who have read Sarah's book either loved it or hated it. Right now I need a break from politics... I'm totally disillusioned with our politicians and the system. But someday I would like to read Sarah's book.

  5. I just finished Sarah Palin's book. I liked it, and felt like I did know her better when I was done.

  6. It's always fun to see what books others are reading and what their "take" is. Lately, I can hardly keep my eyes open at night to really get into any book.

  7. Hope you are able to read that book you've had on hold very soon. I have mostly been reading my old copies of Readers Digest. I love how positive & uplifting the stories are. Plus I can take it in the tub with me and read almost the whole thing in one sitting. Lately that's the only time I get any reading in, lol! Hope you have a great weekend-Summie

  8. it's fun to hear what others are reading. right now i'm reading 'out stealing horses' - it's very good but like Jodi I am so tired every time i pick it up! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. the portugese nun still sounds such a great book! it is horrid when you can't get into a book and have to persevere with it. good luck with Going Rogue.


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