
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nature Walk

We decided that this year we would make an effort to get outside and enjoy nature.  We have had some fun on our latest walks.  Everything is so beautiful~the colors are brilliant.  We are lucky to have a small park across the street.  It is used mostly for softball and soccer but there are open areas and a walking path.  

Love the sunlight in this picture.
We have had quite a few rainy and windy days so the trees have shed most of their leaves.

Found some interesting mushrooms due to the abundance of rain here lately.
We saw this nest way up in a tree.  It's not a bird's nest.
This little guy lives there.  He was watching us closely and warning us to stay away.  He actually made some "growling" noises at my son.  He was still cute~while he was up nice in high in the tree that is.
This is my daughter's nature journal sketch and entry.  She says she can't draw but I think this is great.
My son's journal entry and sketch.  He loves to draw.
Hope you are enjoying nature all around you.


  1. we love to take nature walks...we don't do it enough. I love that picture of the squirrel and your children's nature journal entries are wonderful. You can really tell they took their time...and the penmanship looks very neat.

  2. I love nature walks too, it's relaxing to me.
    gorgeous pictures, very inspiring!

  3. Hey Ruth,

    These are some great photos....and I've got squirrel nests everywhere...they visit my porch everyday for the nuts and seeds that are waiting for them and the birds...I must say that 6 months ago when I moved in the house they looked a bit on the thin side..right now they are like little butter balls of fur..LOL

    Oh, and I love the nature journal!

    Have a great day,

  4. Our entire family enjoys nature and being outside! Great pictures and I love your daughter's drawings!

  5. I, too, love nature walks!! Gorgeous area, and love how your son sketched it.


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