
Friday, November 20, 2009

My Favorite Things

I saw this great party on Chrissie Grace's blog and wanted to join in. What fun!!

One of my recent discoveries is these great dvd's by Leisure Arts. I recently borrowed one on crochet from the library. It was all about cables and lace. I loved it. I am not proficient in knitting, just the basics. When I saw this one I knew I had to add it to my list. Can't wait to get it and watch it.

My next most favorite thing is our Krups coffee and espresso maker.  It's always ready to brew me a cup of something wonderful.

I am not much of a tv person but I stumbled upon this show one day and I love it.  It's my favorite!!  The little boy, Brick, is so cute!!  He is my favorite character on the show.

This is a great book that I am devouring for my plans in our garden next year.  I recommend it for anyone who wants to try and live more self-sufficient lifestyle.

This great little church is awesome.  It was made by Jamie at a Forest Frolic.  I just had to have it.  Can't wait until it arrives.

Last but not least, this scarf that I saw on One Pretty Thing is just gorgeous.  I have added it to my must try list.

**I cannot believe I forgot to add this to my favorites list~today is a favorite day for me because my braces came off!!  After 3 1/2 years they were removed about an hour ago.  I am so thrilled.


  1. Beautiful teeth~Congratulations! That book looks great~I'll have to check on it. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us~

  2. Love you Fav things Ruth...and so glad one of them is the church I made ;-) Thank you again! Now, I need that knitting book...oh, and that backyard one looks lovely (now I need a bigger back yard, tee hee). Congrats on the braces coming off!!

    Jamie :)

  3. I hope that have crocheting DVDs -- whatg a great idea. And happy smiling. Three and a half years is a long time. You must be thrilled.
    -- Jodi

  4. what a neat post!
    I wore braces for 13 years, I had them taken out in 2003, it was such a relief, so congrats on having yours taken out!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Congrats on getting the braces off! I always wanted braces when I was younger. I thought they were so cool.

    Great list!

  6. I had braces as an adult, too. I got them off in time for my daughter's wedding. Dr. said he had a lot of adults as patients.

  7. you have a beautiful smile! and just in time for the holidays! yay for you. I have that book and i agree it's a good one...your little church is adorable. Thanks for sharing all your favorites!

  8. What fun stuff...I love to see what are the favorite things of others.
    sandy toe

  9. I love that little church too! Congratulations on getting your braces off.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. Yay!!! On the braces OFF!! Love your hair :) :) :)


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