My family~a great husband who provides and cares for us. Great kids whom I have
the pleasure of homeschooling, teaching and guiding them in truth.
Our home~It may not be perfect but it's ours. It has a good size yard and we have
been able to do so much with it, including expanding our gardening.
Our daily provisions~in this tough economic time I cannot say how truly blessed we
are to still be employed. There have some tough times of uncertainty but God has
brought us through.
Our health~Another scary issue at this time and I thank God we are all healthy.
Our cars
My online friends~I love all the great friends I have made through blogland. You
are all so great and an inspiration and encouragement.
I am thankful for our woodstove!!
In it all I am thankful for the little things. The special, small moments that some-
times I tend to overlook. Those little blessings all add up and fill your heart.
I know there is so much more. Thank you for all my blog readers for letting me share my heart.
happy thanksgiving ruth and thanks for sharing your heart here in blogland x