
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

39 Things Before 39

I am a little late for this.  I wanted to participate with Chrissie Grace in Make Some Art Monday.  Yesterday turned out to be so busy and I never made it here to post.  I don't think I stopped running the entire day.  My feet hit the floor first thing in the morning and did not stop until I collapsed into bed late last night.  Even though it is late I didn't want to miss out on this great idea.
Here is my little art work~

Part one

Part two

Thirty-eight is creeping up on me very quickly.  I did not want to start a list that would need to be completed in four months so my goal is to complete everything on the list by 39.  I needed the extra time.  Too much pressure thinking of completing everything with just four months.

My List~

1.  Get a daily exercise routine and stick to it. ~Unfortunately I always start this but I never stick to it.  I really want to try and stay on track.

2.  Plan and extend our heirloom vegetable garden. ~ I grew some things from seed this past summer.  I had and still have a lot to learn.  I hope to double the size of the garden this year.

3.  Save some of my own heirloom seeds.  I think I will start with something easy like tomatoes or beans.

4.  Attempt to can veggies from our garden.

5.  Make my own jams and jellies.

6.  Sew my own purses-lots of learning needed for this.  I do have a ton of ideas floating around in my head.

7.  Work out on the elliptical faithfully for 20 minutes or more, increasing my distance.

8.  Take more pictures, capture more moments, have my camera with me always.

9.  Put our pictures into albums - I already have the albums I like picked out.

10.  Make a quilt~I have always wanted to but have chickened out.

11.  Crochet or knit my first sweater.  ~  I have made many things but have never been brave enough to try a sweater.  Time to overcome that.

12.  Spend more time with God-really seeking what He has planned for me.

13.  Volunteer as a family.

14.  Design and sew something-no matter how simple.

15.  Open my own Etsy shop.~  Always been a bit of a chicken about just jumping in and doing it.

16.  Host a nice dinner with friends.  An elegant "wow" dinner.

17.  Read the classics. ~  From Dickens to Austen and anything in between.

18.  Make one thing from each of my craft books.

19. Make my own pie crust from scratch. ~  I have always just relied on Pillsbury.

20.  Go hiking with the kids.

21.  Start planning our weekly menus.

22.  Start creating more of my own things. ~ Just let it happen with out having to think too much about it.  No analyzing~just creating.

23. Have enough market bags to do away with plastic shopping bags.

24.  Go on a sleigh ride if it snows this year.~This is something I have always wanted to do.  The years that finances allowed it there wasn't any snow.  The years with snow no money.  I want to make it happen this year.

25.  Begin taking more time to sketch and draw.  Keep a pad with me always.  Learning more as I go.

26.  Do fun projects with the kids. - For learning and just plain fun.

27.  Go out with hubby alone and not worry about the kids.

28.  Paint our hutch, dining table and chairs.

29.  Learn more about nature.  I would love to spend time outdoors-observing, enjoying and learning.

30. Go to the Brimfield Antique Show.

31.  Visit the indoor farmers' market held locally every Saturday.

32.  Revamp my blog.

33. Relax more-let the little things go.

34.  Learn Photoshop!!

35.  Make valances for living room.

36.  Sew new kitchen curtains.

37.  Work on daughter's high school transcript.  ~Includes reading the book I bought for this.  So hard to get into this.

38.  Cook more things from scratch.

39.  Read all my Mother Earth News magazines.

I will definitely update this as I am able to cross things off this list.  I better get started.

Hope you join in.  I would love to see everyone's lists.  I have had so much fun and this will definitely keep me accountable.


  1. Hi Ruth
    I love your list. I have some similar ones as well. I look forward to seeing your posts as you cross them off your list!

  2. hi Ruth
    I love your list. Well done. I'm both exhausted and excited with my list. We can encourage each other as we cross things off.
    Have fun with your list. especially with pastry. I am rubbish at pastry. xx

  3. What a great list! I need to do something like this. I had a friend who (she and her hubbie both) wrote on index cards one thing each of what they wanted to do - big, small and totally crazy. Each one they accomplished they moved to another place on their board. I gotta get on my list!

  4. I have seen this too Ruth and think it's great to make a list! Go to Hawaii is on mine ;-)

    Jamie :)

  5. Well, I love the list but I think you can do some of this at 40 and be fine and happy!
    Cute idea!
    sandy toe

  6. Great list, I don't know if I'm brave enough to make one myself, LOL!
    Knit a sweater- it's not any harder than a hat or scarf, just takes a little longer. If you can read and follow directions, you can knit a sweater, and it feels so good to finish one and wear it!

  7. great things are on your list! thanks for sharing can do it! they are all worthwhile things to invest in! I like that!


I love to hear from all of you. Your comments make me smile.