
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

~Costume TIme~

I have always dreamed of having a fireplace and mantle.  I envisioned how I would dress it up and make it gorgeous for each season.  Our previous house did not have a fireplace or a mantle of any kind.  I was thrilled when we looked at this house and it had a fireplace.  We still dream of building a different mantle for the fireplace and a new stone hearth.  The hearth is showing it's age and chipping.  All in due time.  I was just thrilled that I would have a mantle to decorate.  Imagine my shock when my brother encourages my husband that the only good place to put a tv in this room is a flat screen on the mantle.  I think my heart dropped down to my feet.  It was the last thing I wanted on my mantle.  At first my husband did not want to spend the money on one of these flat screen tv's but shortly after he was awarded one as a bonus from work.  Voila~we have a large tv on our mantle.  I would love any ideas that you could share to decorate the mantle with the large beauty in the way.
This is what I have done for autumn. The leaf garland hides some of the wiring and things like that.  Some time ago, I watched an episode of Trading Spaces where they extended the mantle, height wise and built a storage box with doors to house the television.  I would love to know how to complete something like that.  I can see it in my mind but don't have any idea how to bring it to life.  

Halloween is almost here.  This year the kids decided they wanted to dress up and go out.  My daughter has chosen to be a fairy, my son has chosen to be Link from The Legends of Zelda.  We couldn't find him a costume so I began planning what he needed and what I would make.  My daughter found a very cute costume so I had time to work on his.

This is his completed costume.

I made the tunic, his hat, fingerless gloves and shoe covers (to look like boots).  It's all made out of wool felt.  He will be nice and warm.

I did not have a pattern and worked from some pictures in his video game.  I cut up one of my husband's old tee shirts to use as a pattern for the tunic.
We were both thrilled with the completed costume.  He has worn it a couple of times already just to play because he loves it so much.  I am just thrilled it all fits and that I could sew the sleeves with out making a mistake.  I followed this great tutorial to help me put it together.


  1. Love the costume! We don't "do" Holloween, but my children sure do play a lot of dress-up! fun, fun, fun!
    And so sorry about your mantle issue, though I love what you've done with it to decorate for fall!

  2. What a great costume!

    My hubbie has the same wish for the TV - if we ever add on to our house that's what he wants to do - ack!

  3. Oh no he didnt! that he did you just have to work around it. I love what you have going so far. Is there room to push the tv back some? If so and you have some spare space you can lean some shutters in front of the tv. This may help tone it down a bit. All in all the tv up there is not that husband would probably say it was close to perfect...Men~ hehe ps...cute costume!

  4. Ruth, You did a great job on the costume! As far as the t.v. and mantle, I would have a good talking to if that were my brother and politely tell him to mind his own business!!! grin:) Either that or go offer decorating suggestions at his house!!:) I hope you figure out ways to decorate around it!

  5. B looks so cute! (Don't tell him I said that. Say that I said "handsome" LOL) Great job, Ruth!

  6. This reminds me of the costume I made for my son. I think that I still saw the costume somewhere. It has been at 15 years ago now.

  7. Happy Monday to ya!

  8. That turned out really great! Your kids should have fun trick or treating. Love your banner to.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That costume is GREAT!!!! Wow- way to go, Mom!!!

    And I love the mantle- it looks beautiful.

  11. Wow! What a great costume! You are very talented indeed! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments!

  12. Cute costume, cute boy!! Yes, I do love his dimples!!

    I am not sure what to tell you about your mantle as I don't have, nor do I ever want to have, a tv over my fireplace. What you did looks good, though.

    I assume your home is old?? I am just going by the awesome tile in the bathroom and archways, etc.



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