
Monday, October 5, 2009

And the winner is....

All the names were put in a bowl...
My daughter reached in and pulled one out.

The winner of the fall banner is...

Thank you for all the sweet comments left about the craft fair.  It was very disappointing but my spirits were surely lifted by all the kind words you left for me.  For those who asked advice about craft shows, I'm sorry that I don't have any real words of wisdom to pass on.  There are sites with links to events in your area.  You can google them.  Most will give you a list with partial information and if you enroll with them you will get more details, and learn about posting for fairs earlier than when you are not a member.  I haven't enrolled in any of these sites so I can't say that one is better than another.  I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.  I hope that these ramblings make sense.  


  1. Hi Ruth, thank you for such a lovely comment, I am so pleased I heard His voice calling me, I feel so much happier now. xxx

  2. Go MOnica!!! You know what? Those pumpkins of mine...I painted white...yep~


I love to hear from all of you. Your comments make me smile.