
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vintage Satchel Completed

I was thrilled to finish the vintage satchel I saw in Uncommon Crochet.  I was a little nervous that I would make a mistake and it wouldn't come out right but I am so pleased with the outcome.  

I used this great yarn for the gusset and strap.  It was great!!  It felted so nicely.  I will definitely use it again.

This is the strap and gusset before I felted it.  The outside stitches were removed after felting.  They were used to leave holes in it to attach the strap to the bag.

This is the strap after felting.

The front of the bag.  I love the stitch pattern.

The back of the bag and the flap.  I love the stitches on the end.

The completed bag.

A close up.

Back of bag

I don't just crochet.  During the summer I like to tackle projects that I don't get to during the school year.  Usually my cabinets really need a desperate reorganization.  I take some time each day and tackle either one cabinet, drawer or closet. 
This is the cabinet under the kitchen sink.  It was in rough shape.  I am not good at organizing, I'm better at just dropping it in there and closing the door.

Here is the after.  Now if it only stayed this way.


  1. Gorgeous! Beautiful!!!!! I love that bag :)

  2. Ruth, I hate to tell you, but your "before" under sink cabinet looks like my "after". what is it about those under sink spaces, maybe it is just I am old and lame so I don't tackle these jobs with the energy I had years ago.

    That bag is really sweet, and looks very useful as well.


  3. The satchel is wonderful, I love it! xxxx

  4. Ruth, that bag is great!

    (I had a friend visit over the weekend and she does Brazilian embroidery, which I'd never heard of, and pictures of it will be on my Monday blog ...check it out and let me know what you think of it. I really like it!)

    Ahhh, your organization project made me get in gear!

  5. Hi Ruth, thank you for your comment, I hope the library does have that book in as it is a really good read.
    We are going to get some Frontline to treat our cat and dogs with. xxxx

  6. Love that bag!! I think you are so creative and smart. I am also in the cleaning mode, so have been going room by room. Our bedroom tomorrow and then I am basically done!


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