
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dead Tired!!

I think I may collapse right onto the keyboard as I try to type this.  I am totally wiped out and can't even imagine doing another thing.  Right now is my time to exercise and no matter how much my mind keeps telling me to do this but body is not cooperating.

This weekend turned into a very stressful one with some family issues.  It is enough to just completely wipe you out.  Too  much drama for me and it has zapped me of all my energy.  Time to put it behind me because I am one busy girl and time won't stand still.

Each summer I have a to do list that is about a mile long.  On that list this year are quite a few painting projects.  Painting in this house is never easy.  It is a 55 year old home and when we bought it from the original owners it still had the original wall paper.  This stuff was cured onto the very old plaster.  Too bad we didn't know this before trying to peel it off in each room, including the bathroom.  We haven't even tackled the kitchen.  Kilz is the best primer out there in my opinion and we were going through 5 gallon buckets of this like it was water.  The plaster was so dry that we would roll on the Kilz and it would just suck it in.  It looked like we had barely touched the wall with the roller.  

Well, here we are 5 years later and dd is sick of the purple in her room.  She wants a mature room.  We bought a new bed, new bedding, purged and decided on a paint color.  Monday morning begins the battle plan.  I decided that before I tackled her room I wanted to get another big project off my list so I got up early, putting my bedding in the wash, washed my windows, ironed and hung clean curtains, cleaned my room and washed every nook and cranny of the hardwood floors on my hands and knees.  Mind you that happens but once a year.  Once that was finished, we started sanding all the trim, built in bureaus and windows in dd's room.  This took a couple of hours, then we washed down all the trim, walls and windows.  The painting begins.  Three hours later the first coat is finished on the ceiling and trim.  Time to make some dinner and iron hubby's clothes for work the next day.  Then collapse.  Still recovering from the weekend's trauma and this overload of work.

Day 2 begins with dentist appointments for cleanings.  Dd, ds and myself were there bright and early at 8:30 am and out by 10:00 am.  Rush home, change into grubby paint clothes and get second coat of trim and ceiling done before lunch.  Thankfully, I was able to get the built in bureaus painted before lunch, too.  But while doing this I discovered that even though I purchased the Behr Ultra Plus with primer this paint job would not be completed in one coat.  It was a sad moment.  I had really hoped that this miracle paint that I hear about in the commercials would come through for me but it didn't.  Right after lunch, it was back upstairs and while dd rolled the paint onto the walls I did the cutting in.  Not my favorite job at all.  So much trim, the ceiling, windows, the door and the bureaus are enough to keep you going for hours.  It was finally finished at about 4 pm, rush down make some supper, inhale it and it's back upstairs for the second coat.  This was about 6 pm and I poured out about half of what was left in the paint can.  I thought that this would be enough since it was the second coat.  I was so wrong.  About 3/4 of the way done with the second coat we started to think that we wouldn't have enough paint.  The last thing I wanted to do was buy another $36 gallon of paint to finish one wall.  Well, I poured out what was left in the can, we squeezed every drop out of those rollers, and I scraped the bottom of the gallon with the brush and we had just enough paint.  We finished painting at 8 pm and I collapsed.

This morning, I woke up early, took a shower, made the bed, cleaned the bathroom, washed the bathroom floor, scrubbed the hardwoods in dd's room to remove all the paint flecks, moved dd's furniture back in, put up the shelves, cleaned the area at the top of the stairs from the paint hazards, put supper in the crock pot, finished crocheting a baby sweater for my sil's baby shower Saturday, and treated myself to a new haircut.

Pictures of all this excitement to come soon.  Dd's room still new curtains, new door to be hung and a couple of knew knobs on the dresser (no more purple flowers).  I will take pictures and post them soon, pics of the baby sweater and maybe even a shot of my new, super short haircut.

Now time to curl up with tea and a good book.  My body is crying out to relax.  Just had to share with my dear blogging friends the insanity of this week so far. So much still to look forward to with baby shower on Saturday and more drama.  This is definitely a Calgon moment. LOL


  1. May you feel rested and at peace...till the dawn comes~

  2. Ruth: I am tired from all of your work and stress. I hope you can get some relaxation soon. Can't wait to see your pictures. I love the Berkshires and have gone there myself many times. Enjoy it. You need it.

  3. I just left you a phone message, and came here to read--now I know why you didn't answer. LOL

    I'm tired just reading what you've done, OH and I completely feel like a slacker. hee hee

    How about a visit next week? I can't make it to the shower tomorrow. :(

    Have a great weekend and call me! :)


I love to hear from all of you. Your comments make me smile.