
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Missed a Week

It's seems like I've missed a week somewhere.  Things have been so busy here that I can hardly catch my breath.  The homeschool convention was absolutely wonderful.  I was so blessed to attend some sessions with Linda Kane.  I had not heard of her before the convention and just happened to choose a session she had on unlocking your child's potential.  It was amazing because she seem to be describing my son exactly.  She is a neurodevelopmentalist and was explaining how we sometimes miss some of the most basic building blocks in our brains and they effect us forever.  My son is legally bling in one eye and struggles with some areas of schooling. She shared great ideas and techniques to try to restore some of the sight in his eye and also build the most basic functions.  I was thrilled to learn ways that I can help my son and bring some vision back to his eye.

It has been a busy time after the convention.  We are working on hard on school work~trying to get everything done by the end of this month.  We do have some great field trips lined up.  We were able to go fishing at a trout hatchery with our homeschool group last Friday.  

I have finished crocheting more mesh bags.  I have two completed and a third one started.  I am going to line that one and give it different handles so it can be used as a purse.  I'll post pictures when they are done.  I finished an apron for a clothespin apron swap.  I was so pleased with how it came out.  It was a little late and in my haste to get it in the mail I forgot to take a picture.  I hope my partner Carrie has a chance to post a picture of it when she gets it.  Mother's day is coming so quickly.  I found a great purse in Bend the Rules Sewing and I just had to try and make it for my mom.  I have never sewn anything like this but it's coming along well and I hope to finish it tonight.   My mom loves purses and I figured this would make a great gift.  I need to finish it and start working on an apron for her.  Those will be her gifts and I think she will love both.  

The garden enclosure is now complete.  I have lettuce, kale, spinach and beans in the ground already.  It took a couple of hours one day but I was able to finally get them all planted.  I need to get more compost and garden soil.  I have corn, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, melons, and gourds still in the green house waiting until the nights are a bit warmer and then I can plant them.
I can't wait until things slow down a bit.  I miss visiting everyone in blog land.  Time has been flying by.  I hope you are all enjoying spring. 

I promise to have some pictures of what I've made in my next post.



  1. It sounds like you had a very lovely time. How exciting that you learned some valuable tools to help your son with his sight.

  2. Sounds like you learned a lot! Thanks for taking time to stop by :)

  3. oh i am so glad it was a great conference and you learned some useful stuff! cheers to you and your fam.

  4. No worries I will post a pic. The ones I made are on my blog.

    You have been busy for sure. I can't wait to get better at crochet. I love your bags a lined one sounds grand.

    Glad you had a good time at the convention and got lots from it.


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