
Friday, January 30, 2009

My friend Carrie has told me that I need to get over the fear of my new sewing machine and just get to work on it. I was even given homework to complete. I didn't get a chance to do any homework yesterday so today she doubled the load. I need to practice one new stitch on my machine each day.

Today I did well. I practiced a few different stitches. I have some mini aprons I need to finish for a swap and I didn't want to hand sew them. Today I got the machine out set it up and got to work.

 I guess for better viewing you could just tilt your head a little to the right. There you go~now you can see them better.
I don't have a clue how to correct this.
Here are some mini aprons in progress. These have been hemmed and I have stitched the top to gather them.

There is the stack of mini aprons all cut out that still need to be sewn.

I know~I have a long way to go yet until these babies are done and ready to go. I promise to be very busy on them next week.

Last but not least here are the minis I have completed.
It's only four but it's more than I had done yesterday.

I also crocheted the hats to make two more owl hats, today. But most importantly the kids' progress reports for the school department were completed and mailed today. HOORAY~I always put these off until the last minute. I just never want to do them and then the day comes and they are due. Well, I hope they make it their by their February 1st deadline. If not, they are pretty close to it. I will try to do better next time.
That's all that's happening in these parts. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Yay!!! Great stitches, Ruth! Cute Mini's.

  2. Carrie says

    You go girl I knew you could!
    Perfect stitches and great minis keep up the good work I bet You are glad you did it.

    By the way love your blog I will be back

  3. YAYYY!!! Knock those minis out!!!

  4. Ruth, The mini's are very cute! I am proud of you for using your machine! You will love it!


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