
Friday, January 16, 2009

Crochet and Treasures!

The long days of winter are here and I've been trying to fill them up with things I love. One of my favorite past times is crochet. I have been busy making up owl hats to fill orders. They are so much fun to make. I am hoping that those who receive them will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed making them.
I received a little money and gift cards for Christmas and I love books. Of course, that obvious thing to do with that money is buy some crochet books and magazines. I am also very frugal and the prices of some of these books are high so I use coupons. I bought all of these for 30%-50% off the original price, including the magazines. It makes it easier to enjoy these with a good cup of tea when you know that you've saved so much on them.

Each one of them is a treasure. There are so many projects I want to try. I will be busy for a long time.

I wanted to share some treasures with you. There was a wonderful, little antique store here in the city where I live. It was always full to the brim and looked like it could pop with all the treasures that it held. Right before Christmas I decided I would make a trip there to see what new treasure I could uncover. I was so saddened when I saw the sign on the door saying the store would close by the end of the month. I was not prepared for this disappointing news. I tried to gather up as much as I could afford. These are some of the beauties I came home with that day.

The proprietor is in her 90's and needed to pass this on. I know that some of her things will be at another local antique mall but it won't be the same.
She took such great care with all the items she had in the shop. There were two ladies that came in once or twice a week to iron the linens for the ship. Everything was neat and orderly. There were different little rooms holding vast amounts of goodies. She had the largest selection of linens that I have seen. I could spend hours there and not even look at 10% of what that little shop held. I was, and still am sad to see it go.

Jocelyn at A Pondering Heart is having a great giveaway. There are countless goodies that have been donated for this giveaway. Unfortunately, it ends today so make sure you go over quickly.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ruth,
    Those are all nice things you picked up at the little store. How sad that its closing. You would probably have to commit me if my thrift store closed. HA.
    Nancy Jo

  2. I love having crochet mags to look through when I'm sitting on the couch at night halfways watching TV. Even if I don't try any of the patterns, it sparks inspiration to make up my own.

  3. Oh how I hate it when something that I enjoy closes.

    We have a really nice, affordable restaurant that's in our town, and every once in awhile, Mark and I enjoyed slipping away to it.

    Well, it just closed. :( The economy, I guess.

    Your finds are beautiful, and all the more treasured now, huh?

  4. Lovely photos! I love looking at them... we've been learning to crochet and knit, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it! lol

    Miss Jocelyn

  5. Love those pictures. Sorry that your little store is closing. Hope you get a lot of use from the things you got. The owl hat is so adorable too.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to see you again. It is always fun to see new faces. Isn't it sad when the little businesses we hold so dear in our heart, close their doors? I find this happening more and more lately. I don't know how to knit yet but my mother in law has promised to teach me this year. Take care and have a happy creative week.

  7. Ruth, what great treasures you found at the antique is sad that she had to close up mentioned she is in her 90's? I sure hope I'm going strong enough to have a shop at that age..LOL Gosh, that's unique to find in and of itself, you know!

    I love your owlie hats..they are precious...and I'm also hooked on that means magazine, books, my vintage patterns and such...I guess that's one reason I'm enjoying the archiving of my vintage collection. It's way cool to see it before me in a digital form.

    Come see me, I've uploaded some new designs today. :0)

    Queen of Dreamsz


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