
Friday, February 26, 2010

Themeless Friday Fun

Patty at Blessed Moon is having a Mcklinky party and I want to join the fun.

Not enjoying the weather so much here anymore.  

Lots of rain and we haven't seen the sun all week.

Hoping for some sunshine soon.

Almost 5 inches of rain is more than enough.

Feeling a bit gray like the day

Not looking forward to work tonight

Looking out my window and seeing this

Sad to see our swing set/tree house dismantled.

It will go to a good home and get lots of fun use

Further proof that are babies are all grown up.

Making room for the puppies new home.

Enjoying some pretties I set up yesterday

Found this at Walmart for $4~Love how it smells and looks in my tureen

Treasure from Michaels at 40% off

Enjoy your weekend!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On my Way

You may remember this post I did some time ago.  Although I haven't posted anything else about it I have been thinking about and working on my list.  I will be updating the list and crossing things off as I complete them in this new year.  

One of the first things I have done and am so proud of is: exercising.  I do not like to exercise.  I would love to say that I like it and it's one of my favorites but the truth is I just don't like it.  Finding an exercise routine and sticking to it is almost impossible for me.  I have tried many things but have not stuck with any.

Well, recently that changed.  I found a Jillian Michaels exercise routine on demand and tried it out.  It really kicked my butt.  I realized that I needed this.  I am so very out of shape.  I do not have issues with weight but I definitely need some toning in all the right places.  My dear hubby found the dvd for me and bought it.  He also got me an exercise mat, new sneakers, pants, and weights.  
The dvd I am using
I am proud to say that I have stuck to for the last five weeks.  I work out four days a week.  This dvd is about 55 minutes long including warm up and cool down.  When I first started it, I am ashamed to say that I was out of breath by the end of the warm up.  I couldn't believe how bad I was~ok I could but didn't want to admit it.  I have kept building up and for the last two weeks have completed the entire dvd.  I was so thrilled the first time I completed it.  

I do feel like I have more energy.  I can see some changes in my arms already.  Now I would like some abs like hers and a few other areas to become tone.  So I plug on even when I don't feel like it.  I am working toward a goal: better health.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Taste of Spring

Enjoying lots of sunshine and delightful days

temps are in the 40's and in the afternoon have reached the 50's

we've soaked up the sun and enjoyed these delightful February days

a dose of spring to hold us over until it arrives

Awaiting spring with new life

Longing to see this little nest filled with life once again

The snow melts at our feet

I don't even mind the mud

This is all that's left of the snowboarding ramp our son made

He filled the wheelbarrow with snow and wheeled it over

worked on it for ours until it was just perfect

Simple pleasures

Just nice enough to hang the laundry out

One of my favorite things~

nothing smells better than towels hung out to dry

Promises of more snow are ahead

but we will enjoy this preview while we can

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Valentine

Dh and I do not usually have big plans for Valentine's Day.  In our almost 18 years of marriage we have never gone out on a date to celebrate this holiday.  But with all that has transpired recently we felt like we really needed this time, just the two of us.  It was a beautiful night.  We had time to share our hearts and what we are going through.  The night sped by us.  There will be more of them in the near future.  It did our hearts good to be together.

I also remembered to have ds take a picture before we left.  More and more I am trying to capture moments and have a camera in hand.

Here we are.  Doesn't he look so very handsome.

Ds loved taking this picture. LOL

We enjoyed a marvelous dinner at a new restaurant in our area, The Iron Works Tavern.  After dinner we went to a comedy show.  The show featured Bonnie McFarlane and Rich Vos from The Last Comic Standing show.  Since the show they have married and now have a two year old daughter.  We did not plan this part of the night but because we didn't want it to end so soon we went there on a whim and there was actually some seating left.  

Overall it was a sensational night.  I will cherish these memories in my heart.  Until the next time...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let It Snow~Let It Snow~

There were big promises of snow for yesterday.  It was predicted that the same storm that was hitting the middle Eastern states was heading up to coast to us.  We watched the weather reports with anticipation, trying to prepare for what was ahead.  The weathermen predicted it would start early in the morning.  The schools were cancelled the night before.  We woke up and ran to the windows.  What did we see~nothing.  It wasn't snowing at all.  

By 10 am the flurries began but at this hour they had predicted 1 to 2 per hour.  We waited and watched.  It was coming down but not nearly what they had thought.  We were ok with that.  The kids and I worked on school work and finished early.  Hubby did not come home for lunch as he usually does because we thought the driving would be difficult.  But at 12 o'clock we had just a little over an inch covering the ground.  
His employers were undecided at what to do.  The state was asking employers to stagger dismissal times for ease in cleaning the roads.  By 2;30 hubby came home.  It was getting heavier at this time and did look like a promising storm was here.

It was a good day to sit by the fire with a pot of tea and stay warm and snuggled.

A good day to put a loaf of bread in the oven to bake.

But I was too busy dreaming.  Dreaming of spring~our garden~and gorgeous flowers to brighten my day.

Dreaming of sunny afternoons~bike rides and walks.
We did get some snuggle time in.  Watched some tv and I brought out my Rodale garden book and started to plan my garden.  The total accumulation was only about 7 inches.  Much less than the 10-15 inches that were predicted.  We enjoyed having hubby home in the afternoon with us.  Late in the evening he went out to shovel and prepare for the morning.  A sweet day together. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bliss Weekend

This New England girl would have loved a trip to Blissdom but with all that happened at the end of last year I knew that I would not be able to make it.  Maybe 2011~ I will be dreaming of joining all the great bloggers, meeting them IRL for the first time.  It would be great.

Although I was not able to attend we did enjoy a blissful and productive weekend here.  We were able to do some shopping for things our new puppies needed.  We bought great harnesses and a double leash and took them for a walk.  They were so happy to see us and loved every minute of it.  We spoiled them with some gourmet doggie cookies, which they loved.  We can't wait until the ground isn't frozen and we can start fencing.  Once that is set we will bring them to live with us.

I finished the two scarves for Craft Hope project 6.  They will be on their way tomorrow.  
This is the first scarf.  It was crocheted with a crossed double crochet stitch.

They requested some scarves that can be for young men also.  I love this ribbed patterned.  This is also crocheted.  Now my son wants me to make one for him.

I found this great yarn at Joanne's and fell in love with it.  I love this neutral color and how very soft it is.  Organic is a plus.  I am working on a ribbed scarf for myself.

We spent some time at the library and I just couldn't choose which books I loved most.  I left with a great big stack.  This always happens when I go to the library.  I chose these amazing crochet books.   I can't wait to pick some projects.  It is hard to choose because there are so many great ones.

Couldn't pass this up.  More about it in another post.

I love making bread!!!  It is so wholesome and I enjoy every step of the process.  Taking a freshly baked loaf of bread out of the oven on a cold winter day is so comforting.  This great book jumped out at me from the shelf.  It is filled with great information and pictures.

Dreaming and planning my garden for this year.  This is a must read and own.  It's on my list of must have books.  Such great information and pictures.

Love this book.  The Farm Chicks are the best.
What could be better during these cold days and nights.  Snuggling up, staying warm and cuddling with some great books.  Crocheting a bit here and there and definitely a latte to help keep me warm.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Warm and Cozy

I've been working with that incredibly wonderful yarn and have finished the neck warmer.   I love it.  It is so warm and soft.  The days here have been so cold so I finished it in perfect time.
Excuse the bags under my eyes.  I have had a very difficult time sleeping and it's beginning to show.  Time for some tea bags or cucumbers.  Here is how the completed neck warmer looks on me.  Doesn't it look so incredibly soft and warm?

Here is the completed neck warmer.  I noticed once it was completed that some of the stitches are not right but I'm not sure where my mistake is.  I do know that this is such a forgiving project because once you are wearing it no one can tell.

This is the scarf I just finished for Craft Hope.  It was still in the works here.  I have started another one, too.  I hope to have them both in the mail on Friday.  
We enjoyed our weekend here.  The doggies aren't living with us yet so we went to visit them.  We took them for a walk which is fun but a lot of work.  Skylar is such a beautiful dog and we just love petting her.  She looks at you with those sweet eyes that say I love it.  Petie is such a fun dog.  He is like a big kid.  He is always ready to go.  We can't wait to have them here with us permanently.